Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The Darkness of The Web

Tim Birners-Lee, admits, the web he created 28 years ago, has strayed from what he imagined - a platform of ubiquity, for opportunity and collaboration and the dilution of geographic and cultural boundaries.
It has become less than what he envisioned.
The net is now an interesting place. It is Robert Browning’s modern version of the Pied Piper, and it’s not Hamelin that is rat-infested, but how the net is being used and the tune it is playing.
Its charm and appeal is the accessibility of information it serves, the knowledge it can provide, the entertainment it creates, but increasingly the dangers that hide within its deep abyss create an overwhelming concerning. It is playing a different tune to that of what Browning’s Pied Piper’s tune achieved.
Analogies are great, and the comparison between the net and Hamelin is an interesting dichotomy.
The Pied Piper played a magical tune, and the net’s lure, its free content of sites in exchange for personal data – is a problem that has grown wildly out of control.
Trading and capturing data is an issue on every level, and its our children who are becoming victims of the trolls who stalk the net for the personal information of children exposing and taking advantage of their innocence and vulnerability.
The seemingly harmless games they play online, or sites they sign up to like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Skype, are opening doors to the dark web where predators lurk and prey.
A child’s personal data is now identifiable. The opportunity to trade on that information to those who could be made available and sold to anyone on the dark web, has become a sad reality.
It is a market allowing predators access to confidential information previously unavailable.
Children are now susceptible to phishing and malware attacks because their information can be hacked and the intent by individuals that harbour within the dark web are using that information for personal gain.
The risk of Australian children falling foul to lurking predators, sees them at greater risk than ever before to harm, whether it be physical, emotional or mental abuse. 
Their exposure and what lies behind the insidious side of the web, means controlling captured and traded information and who is accessing it becomes an increasingly difficult task and the vulnerability of children continues to grow daily at an exponential rate.
Security In depth’s State of Cyber Security In Australia Report, 2018, recently released, shows 23% of Australian children under 18 are accessing games online, while 97% under 18, access both social media and online games.
Eight million Australian children now use online games and social media applications.
The Report also shows when children sign up to on line games and social media services, each application or service requests a child accepts the terms and conditions of use.
It’s hard to conceive how any child has the legal capacity to accept and understand terms and conditions put before them, especially when adults themselves fail to comprehend them.
The State of Cyber Security In Australia 2018 Report reveals a harrowing picture of despair. It shows a canvass on the horizon now littered with 45% of 8-11year old’s in Australia using social networking sites unchecked.
Social media applications capture personal identifiable information like name, date of birth, email address and password, and if that isn’t enough to create concern, those very same sites are also capable of secretly recording our conversations, likes, dislikes, where we go, where we live and who we visit.
The net is no longer a place of information for research and knowledge, it has become a place designed for ill-intention and racked with mechanisms and capabilities that still leave us incapable of coherently understanding the true insidious nature of what lies within.
The net is not a bad place if used correctly and the right approaches and strategies are adopted to manage and control its use and it is the children who now at risk and are most vulnerable to the pitfalls and darkness of what the web can and has to offer.
Social media sites like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Skype are the favourites amongst Australian children and teens and their exposure to the perils raise at alarming rates.
The statistics around the security of social media sites is a damning insight into how vulnerable we all are, especially children. The statistics reinforce why we should be alarmed and vigilant around security and privacy.
Snapchat has experienced a number of data breaches where 55k of its user account details were hacked in 2017, an employee data breach in 2016 with a further 4.6 million users information breached in 2014.
Facebook isn’t without its issues, and only this year, saw the private information of 87 million users world-wide, hacked.
In 2017, 6 million of Instagram’s users had their accounts breached while Skype continues to have massive security issues and vulnerabilities.
The web is a far more dangerous place than what Tim Birners-Lee had ever intended, if left unchecked without any strategies developed to protect those most vulnerable, then we have failed to safeguard their safety.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Australians are in a lather over the misconceived belief that the government’s My Health ­Record (MHR) is open to hacking and puts every Australian’s personal health records at risk.
Data breaches are far too common and Australians are right to be cautious about who holds their personal information and the level of security provided. However, to what degree do we interpret vigilance for paranoia?
Privacy and the protection of personal information will always remain an important issue and Australians should never give away the right to demand utmost accountability.
However, the current debate around the ability of MHR to provide and maintain a level of security guaranteeing privacy is flawed and lacking in logic.
Australia has a health system the envy of the world. We lead the way in medical research, medical technology and specialist treatment programs.
A federally funded system is part of the mosaic that makes what we have so special. MHR adds to that ­mosaic.
The idea of a central system allowing Australians’ health records to be available to hospitals and doctors is a model we need to embrace. It is well overdue. Information in real time ­allows doctor faced with an emergency to treat someone with greater efficiency and speed, and make accurate diagnoses based on medical history.
It saves lives and improves care. Nothing is better than that.
The detractors believe the cons outweigh the pros. It’s difficult to understand how saving lives and improved healthcare is a negative.
Choice to decide is a right we value. When presented with the right information, our decision-making is enhanced. Yet Australians choosing to opt out of MHR are making a shortsighted decision based on misinformation.
It’s a decision they could live to regret when faced with an emergency.
Various media reports have painted a picture of dire inevit­ability, where every Australian’s health records will be up for grabs. No federal government would ever put at risk the personal and private information of Australians.
It has invested hundreds of millions of dollars developing MHR not for it to be a security risk.
It’s wrong to think a flagship-based records system will be without the highest form of security to ensure data protection.
I am highly protective about data privacy and protection. My decision to opt in is based on considered fact and the right information, as opposed to specu­lative noise generated by special interest groups attempting to derail an overdue program.
Saving lives is what the MHR will achieve.
For an ageing population, it also improves healthcare and outcomes, and, over the long term, reduced costs.
MHR allows:
Doctors to make better-informed decisions on prescribing medicines.
Doctors who discover patients shopping for drugs to provide alternatives.
Doctors to see what medicines are being used and prescribe medicines that are supportive.
Australians to control who sees what information and when.
People to see their medical records and use them for their own medical purposes.
People to track who looks at their health records — identifying and addressing any potential misuse.
Every Australian should be cautious about privacy but being fearful of doctors using information for personal gain is a difficult argument to accept. The introduction of MHR is not to be feared. The government isn’t lurking in the shadows waiting to snare our personal information — they already have it.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Back into Training

Well, I'm sure that we have all been there before. Start a fitness program and then life happens and before you know it everything falls apart. Start a program with the best intentions again, life intervenes and everything falls apart - again.

For me, I have started so many times in the past two years and things have fallen apart and I have some great excuses:

  • Tore my calf (well - I did do that three times and swore at my physio at each occurrence)
  • Tore my adductor - now that was painful
  • Changed careers
  • Family issues
  • Travel (Lot's of travel - USA, France, Taipei, Singapore....lots of fun)

All excuses though...if I really wanted to train I could have....I heard a nice little quote the other day

 "Life will knock you down, it's up to you if you want to get back up!"

So I have started again - different program now, different methodology...no more excuses.

Started focusing on strength and base, throw in some martial arts (been 15 years), not so much running this time (too many injuries in the early stages), basketball, swimming and cycling.

So - my goal was always to complete the Hawaiian Ironman. My daughter keeps asking when I will compete again. Hard looking here in the eye and letting her know that I just don't have the passion anymore. I always loved the Ironman event, endurance racing, nothing like running down those final 50 metres...but the effort is immense. Right now my goal is just to get through the next 21 days with some form of activity....get into the habit of training. Of course, in the next month I will be travelling again - NZ, Singapore, Perth and Qld....Lot's to do with work and I have to prioritise time with my unbelievable great kids....

So, thinking out loud (well typing out loud)...
  • Balance work, life....focus.
  • Set goals and make them compelling - why, why why????
  • No excuses
Friday tomorrow, let's begin.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Balance and Focus

I hear it all the time. How do you balance family, career, health, self?

It's a great question and many, many people struggle with it. For me, it's about focus. What should I focus on? what am I focusing on? What am I thinking about?

2010 was the year of enlightenment (It was a crap year actually, but need to focus on what I learnt). I got older and my body just didn't respond as I hoped. I changed jobs. I lost good friends. I forgot who I was and my focus was either in the past on some event or projecting into the future looking for better times ahead. I was rarely present in this moment - and that hurt. I don't know how we can simply live in our heads, looking backwards, looking ahead but forgetting where we are this moment.

How do you get out of your head and focus on now?

I use different methods, and it does depend on where I am at. A yoga teacher suggested to focus on the end of my nose. My priest suggested, and this worked wonderfully well, to sit down and just feel my body. Other activities that have helped - boxing (if your not in the moment whilst boxing your in big trouble), running, diving into cold water...Lot's of ideas. Right now, yoga helps most.

Balance is a completely different beast...this is based totally on your values and what is important to you. Family, career, fun, safety, children, sports, love....what is important to you differs from your colleague, from you husband or wife, from your friends. Again it's about focus, the question to ask yourself...what do I really care about? What is important to me? What do I like doing? All good questions, and I'm guessing questions that are not really answered all that well...it's only then that you can start to achieve balance.

Anyway, off to yoga.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Lessons From The Camino

I can't remember a time in my life when haven't searched for a challenge. Diving with sharks, freefall skydiving, hang gliding over Rio, on safari in Africa and one of my great loves - I completed an Ironman Triathlon. However, my life was changed forever when I undertook a journey alone, a dream - walking from Roncesvalles (French/Spanish border) to Santiago, some 700kms on the other side of Spain. - the pilgrimage known as the Camino de Santiago had been a dream of mine for many years. So, without much planning and even less preparation I left my wife (with her permission) and trekked across to Spain for two months.

I started my trip with the following:
• 18kg Backpack - filled with everything I needed and then some.
• The most expensive, all encompassing hiking boots available on the planet
• All encompassing, all weather jacket
• Basic fitness (I was fit - but try walking 25km everyday for 30+ days)
When I eventually reached Santiago I had the following with me:
• 8kg Backpack with only essential clothes, a book and a MP3 player
• A basic pair of walking shoes
• Basic, light all weather jacket

I remember being nervous, excited, enthralled about the journey in front of me. Being extremely competitive by nature I couldn't help myself - I needed to compare with those also around me and taking the journey. I couldn't help myself - I wanted to walk faster, carry more, be more focused than the other people who had decided to follow the same path as me. For the first five days I struggled - at one point I could barely walk (spraining my ankle coming down a hill outside of Pamplona.
So what did I learn:

Lesson 1. Don't carry too much baggage
On your life journey you simply can't carry too much baggage - you just can't make the distance carrying the baggage, you will probably make yourself sick and it's just difficult to learn and experience new and wonderful adventures.

I tried to carry everything, I wanted to carry everything - in the end it would have almost killed me. The ability to let things go is one of the most amazing and profound lessons I have ever learnt.

Lesson 2. Travel at your own pace
You have to walk at your own pace - the moment you start to compete against anyone else (they have better clothes, are faster walkers, better backpack....yada yada yada) you will only do yourself harm. The moment winning or being better than others becomes your priority, the entire journey stops and a mind game begins - one in which no-one can ever win - from my perspective you miss the beauty of the journey, the most amazing relationships – and, in my opinion, most importantly you miss having fun.

Lesson 3. It's about the journey
I so wanted to finish - that was my primary and driving goal; reach Santiago...but the most amazing part of the trip was the journey itself, every step, every sight, every smell, every friendship, every thought. That is what made this one of the greatest adventures of my life.

Lesson 4. People
I naturally trust others - I believe that people are essentially good and will always want to help. On my journey, I met so many wonderful, amazing, incredible people from all walks of life. All these strangers, helping, sharing, supporting each other - all in a new country for most. I could not have finished without the people around me….people and relationships mean everything.

Lesson 5. Faith
At some time you just have to trust that the journey you are on is right, that it has meaning - even if you aren't aware of it at the time - especially if you aren't aware of it at the time...having faith in yourself and the path you have taken is everything.

Lesson 6. Persevere
There are always periods when you feel like giving up – and I experienced many of those. It is amazing what happens when you persevere, when you just keep trying – something miraculous happens, you find you have reached your goal, had an amazing experience, learnt a lot, met a lot of interesting people and feel good about you.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Beginning

Here I go...

My first blog. I've read that like anything it takes time to develop your skills in writing blogs that are worth reading. I'll be interested to observe the responses I receive from my words and I hope that what I can contribute is viewed as valuable, informative and well thought out.

A little about me - who am I? What do I do? What are my values?

I'm Michael Connory, at the moment I'm a 44 year old, with an incredible wife and two amazing kids. I'm a director of 4 different organisations - Camino Consulting Group http://www.camino.com.au/ also TriNow http://www.trinow.com.au/ / http://www.trinow.net/ and http://www.trinow.co.uk/ also Triathlon Victoria http://www.trivic.org.au/ and I would say I have three major business skills:
  • Sales and Sales Management
  • Marketing

  • Organisational Performance Management

I love sports, I hold professional coaching qualifications in Triathlon (and that's a surprise considering what I have already written), love AFL, Basketball, Cricket....pretty much all sports.

My values

  • God

  • Family

  • Team

  • Customer

  • Organisation

  • Vendor

I struggle constantly with God - I guess that is best left between myself, my priest and God.

So, my goals with this blog is to have a social commentary around business, leadership and the sport of Triathlon.
Thanks for your attention,
