Sunday, October 4, 2009

A Beginning

Here I go...

My first blog. I've read that like anything it takes time to develop your skills in writing blogs that are worth reading. I'll be interested to observe the responses I receive from my words and I hope that what I can contribute is viewed as valuable, informative and well thought out.

A little about me - who am I? What do I do? What are my values?

I'm Michael Connory, at the moment I'm a 44 year old, with an incredible wife and two amazing kids. I'm a director of 4 different organisations - Camino Consulting Group also TriNow / and also Triathlon Victoria and I would say I have three major business skills:
  • Sales and Sales Management
  • Marketing

  • Organisational Performance Management

I love sports, I hold professional coaching qualifications in Triathlon (and that's a surprise considering what I have already written), love AFL, Basketball, Cricket....pretty much all sports.

My values

  • God

  • Family

  • Team

  • Customer

  • Organisation

  • Vendor

I struggle constantly with God - I guess that is best left between myself, my priest and God.

So, my goals with this blog is to have a social commentary around business, leadership and the sport of Triathlon.
Thanks for your attention,


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